Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Turning Point

This quarter at the UW I'm taking two classes: American Foreign Policy, and International Conflict. I also have an internship with a political consulting firm that specializes in fund raising. It's really really awesome, but I just can't escape the fact of how much more I like international politics than domestic politics.

So maybe, just maybe, I'm going to try to gear this blog away from the candidates and more towards what's going on the world and my view points. Who knows, I might throw in these crazy theories I'm learning in my International Conflict class, and then case examples from my American FP class. I'm starting to figure out that if I do go get into politics, I'd prefer the international level or at least nation wide level, rather than the state and local level.

Failure of the Inevitable

Hillary Clinton was the front runner before the campaigning started and the primaries and caucus began to roll around. It's been a crazy past year with Clinton being the come back to kid, to her not having a chance to who knows what now. I'll be updating this as I go, I just don't have the time right now. If there's one thing that is for sure about the Clinton campaign, as much as I think Hillary is great, there was a failure of the inevitable.

More to come.