Monday, December 29, 2008

Don't call it a comeback...

Dear nonexistent readers,

Okay, Andy, you count. Anyhow, I'm thinking of seriously giving this entire political blog thing another try. I read about the news, complain about it in my head, and hopefully make good points. After a very long, eye-opening quarter at the University of Washington of 15 credits (full time) of political sciences, I think I've gotten my brain shit-kicked into high gear and ready to rock. An awesome quarter by the way, filled with comparing courts, learning about human rights, and being in an EU Simulation class, which rocked.

So, hopefully I'll be updating this more and more often. Maybe generate readers? Who knows, doubt it, I have thousands of people to contend with. Maybe I should start a new angle, about courts and laws...getting ahead of myself there. Uh, well stayed tuned I suppose. I'll be updating this one later today hopefully.