Monday, February 25, 2008

He Said That She Said That He Said That She Was That He Was Against Trade - Err What?

With the Ohio Democratic Primaries coming up, I've began to read a lot of interesting things that both Obama and Clinton have been saying. Mainly, they've been saying that the other is for NAFTA and outsourcing, but you hear it from Obama more. They both seem to be pounding home the fact that the other person thinks NAFTA is a good idea. Well what's interesting about this, is that they're both not really that wrong.

In Ben Smith's blog, Politico, he points out that:

"The odd thing here is that both Clinton and Obama come from the pro-trade wing of the party. Both have, in less heated moments, defended free trade in theory, and neither wants to repeal Nafta.

But when in Ohio, you argue about who hates trade more."

To tell you the truth, somehow I'm not surprised. Now to leave you with the anti-Obama mailer because in all regards he is the one that is crying out against Clinton more (and I'm a little bit biased, but who isn't?).

1 comment:

Andy Manoske said...

Ugh. While the political terms behind NAFTA might've been skewed, opening up North America to a sort of Euro-esque free trrade zone is a damn good idea. Both candidates are simply trying to cover their ass in the rust belt because of a traditional fear that American jobs will flutter away. Nevermind the fact that increased education will more than mitigate this factor.