Friday, February 15, 2008

What Is Our World Coming To?

Granted I'm a little slow on the uptake on this one, I just had to update really quick because I have to note something: What the fuck is our world coming to? Is this the End of Times?

So the University of Washington Husky Basketball team - ranked #9 in the PAC-10 - beats #1 the UCLA Bruins (I never doubted that they were going to lose anyways, because I'm a Husky), but not only that Ann Coulter endorsed Hillary Clinton over John McCain. I'd like to just type that out once more, Ann Coulter endorsed Hillary Clinton over John McCain. Holy Shit, I half-agree with something Ann Coulter says, I feel dirty. Now, already I can see someone just jumping and sparking going "That's because Ann Coulter is a woman and so is Hillary Clinton." While that may be true, it's still nonetheless shocking. The same woman who called John Edwards a "faggot" (excuse my language), is endorsing the person who Edwards is thinking of endorsing. What the hell? Here it is straight from the horse's - err should I actually say good-person-because-I'm-for-Hillary-also's mouth.

p.s. This is for you Juliana, haha

1 comment:

Andy Manoske said...

Simply sickening that I share the same language with this waste of oxygen. Scary stuff.